Circuit Analysis(本科生课)
Semiconductor physics and device processing(本科生课)
IEEE member, OSA, IEEE, AIP 等国际主流光学杂志协会的审稿人,其中包括Applied physics letters, Journal of Selected Topics of Quantum Electronics, Optics Express/Letters等。
1 新型微纳光子器件与应用的基础研究,国家自然科学基金(重点)项目,2020.01-2024.12,参与合作研究
3 半导体与玻璃介质微光器件的混合集成研究,集成光电子国家重点实验室开放课题,2019.01-2020.12,主持
4 基于MIS电容的电光调制半导体回音壁微腔激光器的研究,国家自然科学基金(青年)项目,2012.01-2014.12,主持
(1) K. J. Che, Y. J. Yang, Y. L. Lin, Y. W. Shan, Y. H. Ge, S. S. Li, L. J. Chen* and C. Y. J.Yang, “Microfluidic generation of cholesteric liquid crystal droplets with an integrative cavity for dual gain and controllable lasing,” Lab on a Chip, 19, 3116-3122,2019.
(2) J. Wang, R. Zhou, D. H. Lai, K. J. Che*, L. J. Chen, S. S. Jiang, H. Y. Xu, Z. P. Cai, “Tuning on Optical Resonances of Microcavities Based on Thermal Dissipation Control,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 31(14), pp.1175-1178, 2019.
(3) K. J. Che, D. Y. Tang, C. Y. Ren, H. Y. Xu, L. J. Chen, C. Y. Jin, Z. P. Cai, “Thermal Characteristics Of Brillouin Microsphere Lasers,” IEEE, Journal of Quantum Electronics, 54(3), 1000108 (2018).
(4) K.J.Che, D. Y. Tang, C. L. Guo, H. Y. Xu, C. Y. Ren, P. Zhang, S. S. Jiang, L. J. Chen, D. Zhang, Z. P. Cai, “External cavity lasing pumped stimulated Brillouin scattering in a high Q microcavity,” Opt. Lett. 42, 935(2017).
(5) K. J. Che, P. Zhang, C. L. Guo, D. Y. Tang, C. Y. Ren, H. Y. Xu, Z. Q. Luo, and Z. P. Cai, “Ultra-high Q sphere-like cavities for cascaded stimulated Brillouin lasing,” Opt. Commun. 387, 421 (2017).
(6) Changlei Guo, Kaijun Che*, Huiying Xu, Pan Zhang, Deyu Tang, Changyan Ren, Zhengqian Luo, Zhiping Cai, “Generation of optical frequency combs in a fiberring/microresonator laser system” Opt. Lett., 41, 2576(2016).
(7) Kaijun Che*, Chengxu Chu, Changlei Guo, Dan Zhang, Zhiping Cai, “Polarization dependent mode dynamics of metallic hybrid laser micro- resonator,” Opt. Commun., vol. 338, pp.128-1332, 2015.
(8) Changlei Guo, Kaijun Che*, Pan Zhang, Jinshu Wu, Yantang Huang, Huiying Xu, Zhiping Cai, “Low-threshold stimulated Brillouin scattering in high-Q whispering gallery mode tellurite microspheres,” Opt. Express, vol. 23, pp. 32261-32266, 2015.
(9) “Circular microlaser with an output waveguide”, China Pat. No. 201010541952.6
(10) “A fabrication method of micro-nano edge emitting FP laser”, China Pat. No. 201010101999.0
(11) “A fabrication method of high Q whispering gallery mode micro silica sphere” China Pat. No. 201611174648.6
(12) “A package structure and method of optical cavity coupling system” China Pat. No. 201710059622.5